

发布时间:2015-04-17 00:00    浏览次数:[]

题目: An Brief Introduction of PREMIA and Hybrid tree-finite difference methods for the Heston, Bates and Heston Hull-White model.

主讲人简介:Antonino Zanette 意大利乌迪内大学经济与统计学院副教授,法国国家信息与自动化研究院(INRIA)创办的金融衍生品定价与风险管理平台PREMIA的学术主管。他的研究领域是数量金融,主要从事二叉树方法等数值方法的设计与优化。

摘要:In the first part of the talk, the platform of financial derivatives: PREMIA is introduced, four questions will be answered: what is PREMIA, how PREMIA works, what it can do and how to use it. Then the second part of the talk is about a novel method to price financial derivatives combining the tree method and the finite difference methods in the Heston, Bates and Heston Hull-White model. Numerical experiment will show the efficiency of the method.

题目:Using gap options as a protection against market crash : application to CPPI.

主讲人简介:Ludovic Goudenege法国国家科学研究院(CNRS)副研究员,巴黎中央理工大学(École Centrale Paris)副教授。从事的研究领域主要包括随机过程、遍历理论、金融衍生品及保险产品定价、随机偏微分方程、数值模拟方法等。除此之外,Ludovic Goudenege 副研究员也致力于将学术研究应用于保险金融业界,他兼职于法国安盛保险集团AXA,为其提供风险管理咨询,同时也是法国国家信息与自动化研究院创办的金融软件平台PREMIA的研发团队成员。

摘要: The Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance product is a strategy to ensure a guaranty benefit at the maturity. In its continuous version (and in a liquid market), it appears to be a very efficient strategy.But in practice, the product does not provide a full protection against market crash. Furthermore very big losses can appear in a low frequency re-balancing strategy.

In this talk, we will present the gap options which provide protection against market crash. Coupled to the CPPI, they offer a complementary protection against big losses. Finally we will discuss few other strategies about the CPPI and their impact on P&L.


