精算论坛第115期讲座—Colin O’Hare

报告题目:Some insights into retirement planning and spending patterns in retirement
Department of Econometrics and BusinessStatistics, Monash University
摘要:TheAustralian superannuation system is reaching an early stage of maturitycelebrating its 25 year anniversary very recently. During most of that timeindividuals have focused on saving through the compulsory contributions paid byemployers.
In more recent years, as more and moreindividuals reach retirement, interest is moving to the post retirement phaseof the super system. Individuals are now retiring having accumulatedsubstantial funds and of course, as was the intention of the system, theyshould be using those funds for their retirement expenditure.
Still, even though there is over atrillion dollars in superannuation assets, there has been very little researchtrying to understand what level of assets individuals hold in retirement andwhat they do with those funds. In this study, the first in a series of papersfunded through an ARC Linkage grant between Monash, CSIRO and Challengerannuities, we analyse two large, unique datasets in the Australian context. Thedepartment of human services dataset, which contains all welfare data, and theAustralian tax office data, containing tax records. The findings from thisstudy show some interesting, and unexpected behaviours within the super system.