精算论坛第117期讲座—Han Li

报告题目:Studying Actuarial Sciences in Australia
Han Li is a Senior Research Associate atthe Australia-China Population Ageing Research Hub in CEPAR. She received a Bachelorof Commerce ( Honours ) degree in Actuarial Studies at the University of Melbourneand completed her PhD degree at Monash University. Han has a broad range ofresearch interests around longevity and mortality risks, population ageing and retirementfinancial products. Specifically, much of her research expertise is in thefield of mortality modeling and forecasting using advanced econometric andstatistical techniques. She is currently working on projects involving the designof retirement income and aged-care products for China and the pricing of mortalitycatastrophe bonds. Han’s research has been published in top tier journalsincluding Insurance: Mathematics and Economics and the Journal ofForecasting.
Australia is one of the best places tostudy for international students. It has got a long history of actuarialeducation. Currently there are seven universities offering accredited actuarialeducation programs. Being an actuary is not just a job, it is a profession.Actuarial analyst is ranked as one of the most wanted jobs, especially in fastgrowing economies. Thus, Australia has attracted a large number of Chineseinternational students pursuing a career as an actuary. I have experiencestudying and working across three top universities in Australia. In this talk,I will briefly talk about the actuarial programs in several Australianuniversities including University of Melbourne, Monash University and theUniversity of New South Wales.