
报告题目:Double Trigger Agricultural Insurance Products withWeather Index and Yield Index
报告时间:2018年4月11日 上午11:00—12:00
肖宇谷副教授,中国人民大学统计学院,中科院数学与系统科学研究院博士。主要研究方向: 随机精算模型、风险管理。论文曾在《China Agricultural EconomicReview》、《ScandinavianActuarial Journal》、《Quantitative Finance》上发表。
摘要:As amajor institutional innovation for small farmers to decrease the income shocksdue to crop yield losses, agricultural weather index insurance has beenintroduced in pilot or experimental form in many countries. However, theeffective demand for weather index insurance is often limited by the impact ofthe basis risk. In order to reduce the basis risk, we propose a new type ofdouble trigger product based on combinations of the weather index and thearea-yield index, named “supplement” type, where the yield index-basedindemnity is added to the weather index insurance as an enhancement. Throughthe simulation and empirical study, we compare the performance of three typesof double trigger products, including a “superposition” type, a “supplement”type, and a “rebate” type. Our results demonstrate that the new “supplement”type of double trigger product can significantly improve the performance of thestandalone weather index product, especially for reducing the downside basisrisk and the catastrophic basis risk.