
报告题目:Time-consistentproportional reinsurance and investment strategies under ambiguous environment
报告人:Guo-hui Guan
报告摘要: Inthis paper, we study the equilibrium proportional reinsurance and investmentstrategies for an insurer in an environment with parameter uncertainties. Theinsurer can buy proportional reinsurance business to hedge its insurance risks.However, the insurer is ambiguous about the insurance claims and risky assets.Specifically, the insurance claim is exponentially distributed and the rateparameter is uncertain. Besides, the return of a stock is uncertain. Theinsurer holds ambiguous beliefs over these states. The goal of the insurer isto maximize the smooth ambiguity utility proposed in Klibanoff etal.\cite{Kli}(2005). The equilibrium control is introduced to derive thetime-consistent solution. In the end, a sensitivity analysis is presented toshow the economic behaviors of the insurer under the smooth ambiguity. Resultsreveal the uncertain beliefs play an important role in the equilibriumreinsurance and investment strategies. When the insurer is more risk aversetowards ambiguity, the insurer will invest less in the ambiguous asset and morein the non-ambiguous asset.