
精算论坛讲座 第158期—刘香玲(5月9日)

发布时间:2019-05-06 09:07    浏览次数:[]

龙马奋进 · 校庆70周年学术系列讲座

精算论坛讲座 第158期—刘香玲(59)


精算论坛讲座 第158期—刘香玲


报告人:刘香玲 博士






报告题目A life cycle study of the taxation implications onconsumption and housing investment      

报告摘要:  This paperbuilds dynamic discrete life cycle models that study household decision makingson optimal consumption and investment by age and income. Households withheterogeneous labor income face dynamic housing prices and a realisticprogressive tax system in which the owner houses are tax subsidized. Householdsmake decisions on consumption and investment for liquid assets, theowner-occupied house and the rental house each period. The counterpartexperimental analysis is done to examine the effect of tax subsidy on theevolution of housing tenure ownership, holdings on liquid assets and mortgagedebt. The empirical study features data from U.S. from 1999 to 2013. Primaryexperiments of the taxation policy reform imply the tax subsidies fosterthe overconsumption of the owner housing, reduce holdings for the liquid assetsand the consumption for the nondurable goods, and postpones the ownership ofrental housing.



