龙马奋进 · 校庆70周年学术系列讲座
精算论坛 第160期讲座—冯润桓(6月11日)
精算论坛第160期讲座 —冯润桓
现为美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校副教授(终身教职),担任精算专业主任。冯教授是国内外鲜有的具备北美精算协会(Society of Actuaries)认证的高级精算师以及 CERA全球联合会(CERA Global Association)的注册企业风险分析师资格的研究学者。其主要研究领域为投资连结型保险产品和相关金融创新产品的风险分析以及养老规划。 其产学研结合的背景使其在保险精算和量化金融的学术领域有独特的研究成果,已在保险精算顶级国际学术期刊上发表三十余篇论文。目前任国际学术期刊《Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability》副主编。
报告题目:A New Business Model of Crowd Insurance(众筹保险新模式的探讨)
Most existing funding models for crowd insurance or P2Pinsurance are in essence self-managed group insurance where the role of atraditional insurer is reduced to cut cost. For example, policyholders form agroup online under the same type of policy where a portion of their premiums isput into a self-managed common fund and the rest goes to pay a third-partyinsurer. Most small claims are covered by the common fund and only the largeclaims exceeding a certain limit are covered by the insurer. From a mathematicalpoint of view, such a model is nearly no different from traditional insurancemodel.
This work lays technical foundation for a new type of crowdinsurance where policyholders can self-organize to cover liabilities ofdifferent kinds. Policyholders contribute to a common fund and the wealth isredistributed in an actuarially fair manner to fund those in needs. Apolicyholder can request to cover accidental damage to his personal belongingswhile another policyholder may ask to help with her medical procedure. It isfundamentally different from classical insurance models as policyholders tradeinhomogeneous risks. The purpose of the research is to develop aproof-of-concept for this unprecedented business model as an alternativesolution to public crowd funding.