龙马奋进 · 校庆70周年学术系列讲座
精算论坛第166期讲座 —CalumTurvey (11月6日)
Artand Practice of In-The-Field Choice Experiments to Determine Demand forAgricultural Insurance
Calum Turvey
Calum Turvey joined the Cornell faculty in 2005 as the W.I.Myers Professor of Agricultural Finance. Prior to this appointment he wasProfessor and Chair of the Department of Agricultural, Food and ResourceEconomics and director of the Food Policy Institute at Rutgers University(2002-2005) and professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics andBusiness, the University of Guelph in Canada (1988-2002).
ProfessorTurvey has published over 150 articles in agricultural finance, risk managementand related topics. While maintaining and extensive research effort on Westernfinance and risk issues, recent years has seen an increased focus on ruralcredit issues in developing economies with activities in China, India, Kenya,and the Dominican Republic. Of particular interest is research on in-formalcredit relationships between friends and relatives in China and India,examining credit demand and credit demand elasticities, and evaluating the useof specialized insurance products based on weather risk and other forms of riskcontingent credit and micro credit. He is also an active participant in CUFE’sproject 111.
In the absence of exogenous variation in insurance premiums andcoverage levels it is difficult to derive the demand for agricultural insuranceor the key drivers/attributes of agricultural insurance. This presentationoutlines our use of ‘in-the-field’ choice experiments to examine crop insurancedemand in Shandong, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Henan, and Jiangsu in 2018 and 2019. Thepresentation will illustrate the D-Optimal structure of our choice experiments(the Art) and how they were implemented in the field (the practice). Keyresults focus on willingness to pay for agricultural insurance as derived fromMixed Logit and Conditional Logit models.
报告时间:2019年11月6日 9:30--10:30