
精算论坛第181期讲座—郑家昆 (3月8日)

发布时间:2021-03-01 08:50    浏览次数:[]






报告题目 Willingness to pay for reductions in health risks under anticipated regret

报告人:郑家昆 (中国人民大学)

郑家昆博士毕业于法国图卢兹经济学院,原牛津大学纳菲尔德学院访问学者,现任中国人民大学财政金融学院助理教授、中国财政金融政策研究中心研究员、中国保险研究所研究员、中国人民大学杰出青年学者。他的主要研究方向总体可归为三类: 风险经济学,行为经济学和决策理论。除基础理论研究以外,他也擅长使用实验经济学(包括实验室实验和野外试验)的方法来检验经济学理论的真实性。近年来他以独立作者的身份将论文发表于Journal of Economic Behavior and Organazition等知名国际期刊。此外,他曾多次担任Management Science, Journal of European Economic Association, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organazition, Journal of Risk and Insurance等知名国际期刊的匿名审稿人。在科研方面,郑家昆曾多次获得各类奖项及荣誉,其中包括四次获得 Jean-Jacques Laffont 基金会全额奖学金、德国柏林马克斯·普朗克人类发展研究所优秀学者称号, 学促进协会 (SABE)优秀奖学金、德国汉堡 Joachim Herz 基金会奖学金等。


In this paper, we study the willingness to pay for reductions in health risks within a framework of anticipated regret. We show that ex post information provision can be a relevant factor for regret theory to account for why people are sometimes so inclined to protect themself against certain types of health risks but not others. In particular, we find that under full resolution of uncertainty disproportionate aversion to large regrets exaggerates willingness to pay estimates. The effect induced by this notion of regret aversion can be interpreted as if regret-averse people overweight risk reductions due to prevention. However, as feedback over forgone acts is missing, the regret aversion effect disappears. Finally, we show that information avoidance induced by regret aversion can significantly bias our evaluation to prefer those health programs that completely eliminate a risk, i.e., the certainty effect.

报告时间:202138 14:00--15:30

报告地点:腾讯会议(会议ID893 203 792

