

发布时间:2022-12-06 20:09    浏览次数:[]




讲座主题1:Too Risky to Hedge : An Experiment on Narrow Framing

摘要: Narrow framers who focus on specific investment decisions without considering preexisting risks would underestimate the value of hedging. We test this in a lab experiment by eliciting subjects' willingness to pay for a set of lotteries which could be either a pure risky investment or full insurance against their endowed risk. Consistent with theoretical predictions, we find that subjects who are more willing to invest are also more willing to insure and that subjects insure significantly less in the loss domain than in the gain domain. These observations can only jointly be explained by prospect theory combined with narrow framing. Finally, we estimate the individual heterogeneity in narrow framing -- the distribution is skewed at two extremes but also with a substantial share of people in the middle. Neglecting this distribution, we would overestimate the severity of narrow framing.


郑家昆,法国图卢兹经济学博士,牛津大学纳菲尔德学院青年访问学者,国家优秀自费留学生奖学金获得者,现任中国人民大学财政金融学院助理教授、中国人民大学杰出青年学者、风险与公共物品研究中心(Center for Research on Uncertainty and Commons)联合创始人。主要研究兴趣包括行为经济学和决策理论及其在保险、资产定价、环境和健康领域中的应用,相关研究成果发表在Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics等国际高水平期刊上。

讲座主题2:Earthquake Parametric Insurance with Bayesian Spatial Quantile Regression

摘要:With its transparent and fast claims payment, parametric insurance has been widely used to insure nature-related risks such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. In 2014, earthquake parametric insurance was introduced to provide coverage for earthquake losses occurred in Yunnan Province of China. However, as a main limitation of parametric insurance, basis risk is inevitable. In thistalk, a Bayesian spatial quantile regression model is proposed to reduce the basis risk of earthquake parametric insurance. The effect of earthquake hazard, risk exposure, and vulnerability on economic loss are analyzed and considered in the quantile regression model. Since risk exposure and vulnerability at the epicenter cannot be observed, they will be treated as latent variables in the quantile regression model. Bayesian approaches are applied, and spatial correlation is considered to construct the prior distributions for the latent variables. Earthquake losses in Yunnan Province from 1992 to 2019 are collected and analyzed by the proposed model and methods. The payment mechanism and the corresponding premiums of 16 regions in Yunnan Province are then calculated. The results show that the loss ratio is more reasonable than the current earthquake insurance, and the basis risk is then reduced.










