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2018年 发表论文/工作论文

发布时间:2018-12-31 08:24    浏览次数:[]


Y. Chi(2018). Insurance choice under third degree stochastic dominance. Insurance:Mathematics and Economics 83,198-205. 2

Y. Chi, W.Wei (2018). Optimum insurance contracts with background risk and higher-orderrisk attitudes. ASTIN Bulletin 48(3), 1025-1047.

Wei Xiao ,Ludovic Gouden’ege, AndreaMolent, Xiao Wei, Antonino Zanette,“Fourier Cosine Method for Pricing andHedging Insurance Derivatives”, Theoretical Economics Letters, 8, 213-229, 2018

Min Zheng,Ruipeng Liu, Youwei Li (2018). Long memory in financial markets: Aheterogeneous agent model perspective, International Review of FinancialAnalysis, 58: 38-51.

Xue-zhong He,Youwei Li, Min Zheng (2018). Heterogeneous agent models in financial markets: Anonlinear dynamics approach, International Review of Financial Analysis, inpress,



Lin, C. W., Wu,H. L. (2018). Multiperiod Telser’s safety-first portfolio selection with regimeswitching. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2018, 1-18.

伍慧玲,董洪斌(2018).带有通胀风险的退休后期最优投资管理.系统工程理论与实践38(8), 1930-1945.


Y. Chi (2018).On the optimality of a straight deductible under belief heterogeneity.ASTIN Bulletin, in press. doi:10.1017/asb.2018.30


Y. Chi, W. Wei(2018). Optimal insurance with background risk: An analysis of generaldependence structures.

Y. Chi, K.S.Tan, S.C. Zhuang(2018). Insurance demand with upper limits on the first twomoments of coverage.

寇业富、程明远等 保险市场开发度研究及其意义