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2010年 发表论文/工作论文

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  • Li, S., M.R. Hardy, and K.S. Tan. (2010) \Developing Mortality Improvement For-mulae: The Canadian Insured Lives Case Study," North American Actuarial Journal,14(4):381{399.

  • Li, S., M.R. Hardy, and K.S. Tan (2010). \On Pricing and Hedging the No-Negative-Equity-Guarantee in Equity Release Mechanisms", Journal of Risk and Insurance,77(2):499-522.

  • Yichun Chi, “Analysis of the expected discounted penalty function for a generalized jump-diffusion risk model and applications in finance”,Insurance: Mathematics and Economics,Vol 46, No 2, 385-396, 2010(SSCI, SCI)

  • Hui Meng, Xin Zhang “Optimal risk control for the excess of loss reinsurance polices”,Astin Bulletin, Vol 40 No 1, 179-197, 2010 (SSCI, SCI)

  • Hui Meng “Maximization of T-A objective function for the risk model with constant interest force”,Acta Mathematica Sinica (Chinese Series), Vol 53 No 4, 795 -804, 2010.

  • Qi Ling, “Why the lens condition cannot imply factor price equalization,”Review of International Economics,Vol. 18, No. 4, 772-779. (SSCI)

  • Qi Ling and Sadao Kanaya, “ The concavity of the value function of the extended Barro-Becker model,”Journal of Economic Dynamics & ControlVol. 34, 314-329. (SSCI)

  • Zhang Ning, Research about option's risk and price in China stock market based on non-linear HHT signal analysis in Matlab,ITMS: Signal process 20-23, PP 931-935, (EI)

  • Ming Zhou, Ken Seng Tan and Hongbin Dong. Optimal reinsurance strategy under RORAC criteria (in Chinese).System Engineering Theory and Practice, 30(11), pp. 1931-1937, 2010. (EI)

  • Yefu Kou, Hongjun Li, Li Jia, The Simulation and Analysis of Total Amount of Medical Insurance Claims Based on Countable Fuzzy Cardinal Number and Its Algorithms, Advances In Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2010,78(1),783-791

  • He, X. Z. and M. Zheng “Dynamics of moving average rules in a continuous-time financial market model”Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 76, no. 3, 615-634, 2010 (SCI, SSCI)

  • Liufeng, Z. Liu,Dong Hongbin, Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Stabilization of Jump Linear Systems with Noise, 2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference.(EI和ISTP收录)

  • Zaigui Yang,“Partially funded public pension, human capital and endogenous growth”,Frontiers of Computer Science in China, Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2010: 271-279.( EI)

  • Zaigui Yang,“Rural public pension and endogenous growth”, Proceedings: Third International Conference onInformation and Computing, IEEE CS, June 2010, Vol.2: 98-101.( EI)

  • Zaigui Yang,“Urban public pension, two-sector production and endogenous growth”,Proceedings:Third International Conference onBusiness Intelligence and Financial Engineering, IEEE CS, August 2010, 445-449.( EI)

  • 杨再贵,“城镇养老保险、两部门生产与经济增长”,《保险、金融与经济周期》,北京大学中国保险与社会保障研究中心,2010.5:172-183。

  • 徐景峰 我国现行企业年金管理模式存在的问题及对策研究,财政研究,2011/2/34

  • 徐景峰 中国制造业的产业集群与经济增长----基于非平稳面板数据的分析,经济学动态,2010/2/28

  • 徐景峰 李东亮 寿险公司效率研究:基于DEA模型的分析方法,经济问题探索,2010/2/179

  • 周明 陈建成 董洪斌,风险调整资本收益率下的最优再保险策略,系统工程理论与实践,30(11): 1931-1937,2010。

  • 张宁, 球体拼接的dupin曲面技术, 中央财经大学学报(增刊), 2010,

  • 孙晓静,周桦,《含死亡因素的分红保险产品定价》,《保险研究》2010年第4期10-16页。

  • 高洪忠,“如何由事故年数据计算结案率”,《统计与决策》,10(2010):158-159。

  • 高洪忠、孙泽炎,“交强险经营结果影响因素分析”,北大赛瑟论坛,2010.4.13-14。

  • 高洪忠,“考虑时间因素的结案率计算公式及应用”,《数理统计与管理》,29(2010).5:909-912。

  • 于金酉, 胡亦钧, 韦晓, “常利率复合Poisson风险模型中的预警区问题”,数学物理学报, 1-17, 30(1), 2010

  • 于金酉,胡亦钧,韦晓,“The asymptotic of finite time ruin probabilities for risk model with variable interest rates”,应用统计概率,57-65, 26(1), 2010

  • 郑苏晋,中国保险税制变迁与保险公司税负实证研究,管理世界,2010(10);

  • 周县华:《我国交通事故责任强制保险定价研究——来自北京、吉林、内蒙古和山东的经验证据》,《统计研究》,2010年第5期,81~86.

  • 周县华:《民以食为天:关于农业保险研究的一个文献综述》,《保险研究》,2010年第5期,119~127.
