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The CenterofRiskQuantification and DecisionMaking (RQDM for short hereafter) is found in July 2014, with purpose to set up a team to deal with the issues of reinsurance, insurance contracts, dividend, portfolio selection, asset pricing and hedging insurance derivatives, etc. Now, there are 7 members in our center, 5 of whom have been awarded the title Professor. Our members are always active in the academic and practical research frontier. RQDM has 2 fellow members of China Association of Actuaries, 1 ASA and 1 honor fellow of Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (UK). Since 2014, we have obtained 9 research grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China, 5 grants from MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1 grant from Key project of Ministry of Finance, 2 grants from Beijing Natural (Social) Science Foundation and 5 grants from the companies. Moreover, the members in RQDM have published about 58 research papers in the world-famous journals such as Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, ASTIN Bulletin, North American Actuarial Journal, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, Finance Research Letters, Economic Modelling, Journal of Management Sciences in China and Scientia Sinica Mathematica. We also promote collaboration and co-operation with the colleges and universities all over the world through conferences, seminars and workshops. A large number of scholars all over the world have been invited to introduce their latest work. In July 2015, the 1st international conference on financial and insurance risk management was hosted by CIAS and RQDM took the responsibility to organize the conference.