
题目:Pricingbasket CDS under a contagion model with regime-switching
摘要 : We consider a two-dimensional reduced form contagionmodel with regime-switching. We assume that the intensities of the defaulttimes are driven by macroeconomy described by a homogenous Markov chain andthat the default of one firm may trigger a positive jump, associated with thestate of Markov chain, in the default intensity of the other firm. Theintensities before the default of the other firm are defined as atwo-dimensional regime-switching shot noise process with common shocks. By“change of measure” and some closed-form expressions for the joint conditionalLaplace transforms of the regime-switching shot noise processes and theintegrated regime-switching shot noise processes, we derive the two-dimensionalconditional and unconditional joint distributions of the default times. Basedon these results, we can express the single-name credit default swap (CDS)spread, the first and second-to default CDS spreads on two underlyings in termsof fundamental matrix solutions of linear, matrix-valued, ordinary differentialequations.
苏州大学金融工程研究中心教授,博士生导师。1996年至2007年,主要研究方向为风险理论(保险数学),在保险数学领域学术期刊《Insurance:Mathematics and Economics》和概率论领域学术期刊《Stochastic Process and Their Applications》上先后发表了13篇论文。从2008年开始,主要研究方向为信用风险理论和信用衍生品定价,目前在《Insurance:Mathematics and Economics》, 《Journalof Applied Probability》和《Economic Modeling》等期刊上已发表了14篇信用风险理论方面的学术论文。先后主持国家自然科学基金3项,江苏省自然科学基金2项和教育部博士点基金1项。
时间:2017年12月7日(周四) 上午10:00—11:00