精算论坛第127期讲座-Carole Bernard(1月4日)

题目:Costefficient strategies under model ambiguity
摘要 : The solution to the standard cost efficiency problemdepends crucially on the fact that a single real-world measure P is availableto the investor pursuing a cost-efficient approach. In most applications ofinterest however, a historical measure is neither given nor can it be estimatedwith accuracy from available data. To incorporate the uncertainty about themeasure P in the cost efficient approach we assume that, instead of a singlemeasure, a class of plausible prior models is available. We define the notionof robust cost-efficiency and highlight its link with the maxmin expectedutility setting of Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989) and more generally with robustpreferences in a possibly non expected utility setting.
This is joint workwith Thibaut Lux and Steven Vanduffel (VUB).
主讲人:Carole Bernard, Professor ofFinance
Department of Accounting, Law andFinance
Grenoble Ecole de Management,France
时间:2018年1月4日(周四) 上午10:00—11:00