
精算论坛第168期讲座 —Peng Liu (12月17日)

发布时间:2019-12-13 10:22    浏览次数:[]

龙马奋进 · 校庆70周年学术系列讲座

精算论坛第168讲座 Peng Liu  (1217)  





报告题目:Distributional  transforms, probability distortions and their applications
报告人:Peng Liu

刘鹏,加拿大滑铁卢大学统计与精算系,博士后,于 2015 年在南开大学数学学院取得博士学位。 2013.09-2015.09在瑞士洛桑大学精算系访问,2015.10-2016.06 在波兰弗罗斯瓦夫大学数学院访问,2016.07-2018.09 在洛桑大学精算系做博士后,2018.10- 现在在加拿大滑铁卢大学做博士后。目前主要研究方向为极值理论,风险测度和风险管理。已发在Stochastic processes and their applications, Advances in applied probability, Journal of theoretical probability,  Extremes and Queueing systems等国际期刊发表学术论文18篇。  



In this talk we  provide a general mathematical framework for distributional transforms, which allows for many examples that  are used extensively  in the literature of finance,  economics and optimization.   We put a special focus on the   class of probability distortions, which is a fundamental tool in decision theory. As our main results, we characterize   distributional transforms satisfying various properties and this includes an equivalent set of conditions which forces a distributional transform to be a  probability distortion. As the first application, we  construct new risk measures  using distributional transforms.  Sufficient and necessary conditions are given to ensure the convexity or coherence of the generated risk measures. In the second application, we  introduce a new method for sensitivity analysis of risk measures based on composition groups of probability distortions. Finally, we construct probability distortions  describing a change of measures with an example in  option pricing.


报告时间:20191217 14:00--15:00





