
讲座主题:Inequalities in Long-Term Care Use and Mortality. Implications for Old-Age Insurances
摘要:We quantify socioeconomic differences in mortality and long-term care (LTC) needs and evaluate redistribution of a stylized insurance system using administrative data from the Netherlands. Employing a flexible competing risks model, we find thatthe income poor die earlier and use more long-term care compared to the income rich. We also find that females live longer and spend more time in LTC facilities compared to males. In the presence of these inequalities in health and mortality we show that premium returns for pension annuities are negative for the poor and positive for the rich whereas this gradient is reversed for long-term care insurance. Evaluating a combined insurance of health-dependent annuities that minimize inequalities in premium returns across socioeconomic groups reveals that benefits for LTC ought to be four times higher than the annuity when healthy.
Max Groneck is an Associate Professor of Economics at University of Groningen. His field of research covers quantitative dynamic macroeconomics, with an emphasis on household and demographic economics and applied public economics. Methodologically, he develops dynamic structural life cycle models with heterogeneous agents which are evaluated quantitatively using micro-level household panel data. He has published many papers in journals such as International Economic Review, Economic Journal, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Human Resourcesand so on.
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