![]() 董洪斌 |
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2001.9—2004.7 中科院数学与系统科学研究院 管理科学与工程专业 金融工程方向 获管理学博士学位
1998.9—2001.7 南昌大学数学与系统科学系 应用数学专业 运筹学方向 获理学硕士学位
1994.9—1998.7 南昌大学数学与系统科学系 基础数学专业 获理学学士学位
Zhou ming, Dong Hongbin and Xu jingfeng, Optimal combinational of quata-share and stop-loss reinsurance contracts under VaR and CTE with a constrained reinsruance premium, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 24(1), 156-166.2011。
Dong Hongbin , Robust No Asymptotic Free-lunch, 2011 Fourth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 223-227, 2011.
Liufeng, Z. Liu, Dong Hongbin, Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Stabilization of Jump Linear Systems with Noise, 2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference.
周明陈建成董洪斌,风险调整资本收益率下的最优再保险策略,系统工程理论与实践, 30 (11), 1931-1937, 2010。
Liu feng, Dong Hongbin, Stabilization of Jump Linear Systems without Noise, 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 4849-4852,2009.(EI,ISTP收录)
XunHua Gong, HongBin Dongand ShouYang Wang, Optimality conditions for proper efficient solutions of vector set-valued optimization, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 284(1), 335-352, 2003. (SCI)
HongBin Dong, XunHua Gong, ShouYang Wang and Luis Coladas, S-strictly quasiconcave vector maximization, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 67(3), 429-443, 2003.(SCI)
Hongbin Dong, Guangya Chen and Shouyang Wang, Arbitrage and quilibrium in Asset Exchange Economies: A Survey, Advanced Modelling and Optimization, 5(3), 175-195, 2003.
Guangya Chen, Hongbin Dong, K.K. Lai and Shou-Yang Wang, Convex Pricing Rules and Trading ConstraintsFinancial System Engineering, Edited by S. Chen, Shouyang,Wang, Qifang,Wu, 2003
董洪斌, 吉小东,刘艳辉,史敏,汪寿阳,张静,张玉芹, 2002年度世界经济回顾与发展展望,管理评论, 15( 1), 12-16 (2003).
主持国家自然科学基金青年项目:“凸分析及优化理论在复杂摩擦市场的无套利分析中的应用”;编号: 70801068,起止时间:2009.1-2011.11.
主持中央财经大学重点研究基地项目:“保险产品无套利定价研究”;编号05xjd002; 起止时间:2005.11-2007.11。
参与国家自然科学基金项目:“向量优化的基础理论,等价性与复杂性研究”; 编号10471142,起止时间:2005.01-2007.12。主持人陈光亚。